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A unique Family Office Program delivered online by leading industry professionals


Who is this Program for?

This Certificate of Completion program is suitable for professionals who are keen to succeed in the world of family office management. Whether you are setting up your own family office, a practitioner wishing to take your career to the next level or looking for a role in the industry, this program will give you a comprehensive functional understanding and the boost you need.

It provides participants a unique opportunity to combine a full-time career with a world-class course leading to the award of the Henley Certificate in Family Office Management - a professional award from Henley Business School Executive Education.


Our Global Experts

20+ senior lecturers and guest speakers from leading family offices, financial institutions and service providers. Learn from their valuable insights and access high quality practical knowledge and experience of the family office world.



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Key Facts

Format: Online, industry-led. Taught exclusively by global industry professionals


Duration: Self-paced, there's no mandatory scheduled online activity, so you can work at your own pace.

You have 12 months to finish the Program.


Network: Get exclusive access to a network of professionals and mentors from leading players such as Point 72, Hillhouse, Lone Star Funds, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, SS&C, and more


Fee: Individuals - US$ 3,000 (+VAT if applicable)

Corporate discount rates are available.


Want to talk to us before you apply?

Email info on info@ipi-edu.com

Our Industry Partners Include

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Click on the tabs below for more information about the Program


Henley Family Office Program Format

The Program runs continuously year-round – you can start any time!

And there’s no mandatory scheduled online activity, so you can work at your own pace.

This is an online course, featuring

  • 12 core curriculum lectures by industry professionals which can be watched in the students’ own time and at their own pace, for up to 12 months
  • online knowledge checks to test understanding
  • free membership of the IPI Professional Network for 1 year
  • regular elective webinar speaker sessions (recorded for later access if required)
  • networking events throughout the year in major cities.

The emphasis is on learning from experienced professionals and networking with members of the family office industry.

Who will benefit from taking the Henley Family Office Program?

  • Family Office professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge
  • Individuals looking to start a Family Office
  • Career movers including those interested in moving to Private Banking roles
  • Service providers e.g. Private Bankers, Accounting and IT professionals, Lawyers, Trust Administrators.


The Program is taught by professionals with many years of experience in the financial services industry

Module Subject
1 – Introduction to the Family Office
Lachlan Campbell - Mad Success Ltd / Walid Chiniara, Advisor to Business Families
2 – Succession & Estate Planning
Sophie Carr - Withers Worldwide / Carolyn Butler - International Fiduciaries
3 – Tax Considerations
Matthew Sung & Nigel Hobler - KPMG / Craig Kemsley - Calibrate Partners
4 – Structuring & Set-Up
Jeremy Arnold - Withers Worldwide
5 – Governance
Julian Lim - Alpha Calibration
6 – Portfolio Management
Tariq Dennison - GFM Asset Management / James Quinn - Q9 / Shinya Deguchi - Star Magnolia
7 – Operations, Technology & Administration
Vanessa Gibson - Illio / Lucia Perchard - IQ-EQ
8 – The Private Bank Relationship
Kenneth Ho - Carret Private Capital Ltd
9 – Non-Financial Services
IQ-EQ Team / Tiffany Liu - Star Magnolia
10 – HR Management
Paul Westall & Tayyab Mohamed - Agreus Group
11 – Philanthropy, Foundations & Impact Investing
Jennifer Emms - Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP
12 – Risk Planning & Crisis Management
Arabella Murphy - Propitious / Ann Cooley - Pacific Hawk



Participants in the Family Office Program receive free membership of the IPI Professional Network. This global network provides a number of benefits including our Speaker Series sessions held online.

We invite industry professionals to talk for 60 minutes or so about their specialist subject, including a Q&A where the audience can directly ask any questions of the speakers. The sessions are hosted on Zoom and accessed via the Learning Management System, Canvas. IPI Professional Network members are invited to all the sessions, which generally take place every two weeks, and participants have the opportunity to interact with the program founders, speakers and audience.

The webinars take place in the evening in Asia, lunchtime in Europe and breakfast time in the US. All sessions are also recorded, for members who can’t log in during the live session.

The Speaker Series is intended to address subjects that can’t be covered in the core curriculum, including topical items and panels, further family office functions, and regionally specific drill-downs. We regularly feature family office executives to learn from their real life stories, and we cover a wide variety of topical subjects.


IPI is renowned for its networking, bringing course participants together with alumni, teachers and industry professionals around the world.

Our networking events usually take the form of Networking Cocktails, where our community gathers to meet new people, reconnect with old friends and, frequently, to do business… Many valuable relationships have been forged at these events, and we encourage everyone to bring business cards!

The networking events are held regularly in global financial services centres, with participants being invited to all events regardless of their home location, and we often welcome traveling alumni in the cities they are visiting.

We are also often able to get our students invitations to other institutions’ events in many cities, with program participants receiving free or reduced rate admission. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your industry and to extend your network beyond the course itself.

As our community grows beyond the major financial centres, we hope to extend the networking events to new places.

COVID-19 UPDATE: large gatherings in some major cities are still banned. However, participants can meet virtually in the regular Speaker Series events.


Entry Requirements

Applications are generally accepted from professionals in the financial services industry, Family Offices, and supporting service providers.


We offer two payment options:

Option 1 – Single payment for the full program – US$ 3,000

Option 2 – We offer a 3-payment option of 3 x US$ 1,100

*  Please note that the above fees are exclusive of sales taxes (eg VAT) which may be due in your location. Sales taxes will be added to your invoice as appropriate.



How long do I have to finish the Family Office Program?  

Once you enrol, you are free to work at your own pace. You have 12 months to finish the program.

Are there exams?  

The core modules have short multiple choice questions to help test your knowledge.

Who are the Instructors?

The instructors and guest speakers are all industry professionals.  We select them based on their knowledge and expertise.

When I finish the course, will I receive a certificate?

Yes, after finishing the program you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Henley Business School. This is an Executive Education professional award. It does not lead to academic credentials from the University of Reading and you are not registered as a student at Henley Business School or Reading University.

Are there any Alumni groups I can join?

Yes, we really encourage networking in person and online and recommend all our successful students join the IPI Professional Network.

Can I list this course on my Linkedin Page?

Yes definitely. You can also find many of our alumni this way.

How long does each module take to complete? 

We have found that it takes on average between 2 and 6 hours to complete each module. Some modules are longer and some shorter, and the time needed also depends on your experience in the relevant function and how much you wish to drill down into the subject.

How do I access the curriculum?

We use a learning platform called Canvas, provided by Instructure. You will be able to access all the material as well as communicate with other students and instructors.   https://www.instructure.com/canvas/

Are there networking opportunities (offline and online)? 

Yes. Networking with peers and industry experts is a core part of our program. In cases where this can be done in person we invite students to industry networking events and even hold our own cocktails in many cities.  Online, you will receive free membership for one year of the IPI Professional Network.

If I have questions during the course, who can I contact? 

Lisa So is our global head of Operations and Administration. She is always ready to help, and you can reach her at lisa.so@ipi-edu.com.